The Road to Learning A New Language –Beginner’s Italian

Learning a new language is always a daunting, yet fun, journey to embark on. Being able to understand a language, if only a little, helps you to not just understand a language but also a country’s culture. I come from a small country (Norway to be precise) with merely 5 million people speaking my language and it has truly made me respect the power of knowing many languages. I love Italian culture and food in particular so when MMU Futures offered free beginner’s language courses it wasn’t difficult to pick one.

The course was a fantastic introduction to Italian, with a main focus on spoken Italian with some small portions of grammar along the way. Having Italian karaoke with famous Italian songs was definitely one of the highlights of the week (especially Opera karaoke). I would however, like to give a special thanks to our two teachers, Giada and Antonio, who made the course not only interesting but more fun than I could have ever imagined!

Now I feel equipped enough to handle simple sentences and everyday situations (edit: ordering food & drinks situations) in Italy without feeling like a complete idiot. Time to book those flights to Italy asap.

Doing a language course like Beginner’s Italian will not only give you a great introduction to a new language, but it will also give you 10 MMU Futures bronze points. By doing two weeks of language courses you’ll also be able to gain a MMU Futures Global Bronze Award so remember to sign up next year!


For people doing this course next year: EAT before the first session because you will be asked to mention words you know in Italian, which means a LOT of words for different kinds of delicious Italian food.

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